My wishes for you

To all those with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease I wish you:

Patience to put up with what this crazy disease throws at us

Perseverance to keep going when the going gets really tough

Curiosity to keep looking for new ways to manage the losses you experience

A sense of humour so you don’t take yourself too seriously. Everyone has to cope with something.

The awareness to live in the present. Trying to project what CMT will do to you in the future is futile.

The ability to be happy that you are alive. Life can be good if you let it and the world can be beautiful, in spite of the daily news, if you stop worrying long enough to really look.

May 2015 be a year of self-discovery and love because in my books those are the two things that really matter.

Linda and Ron

Linda and Ron


16 Responses

  1. Hi Linda, I wish you and Ron a very Merry Christmas and the very best for the coming year. The wording of your wishes is so true and well written, as usual. Have a great holidays, Charlotte

    Envoyé de mon iPad


  2. Merry Christmas to you Linda!

  3. Wonderful photo! Merry Christmas Linda! & all the best in 2015!

  4. Merry Christmas to an awesome lady and her wonderful groom. You are such an inspiration to us who live with CMT. Have a healthy 2015. LuvYa! Linda

    Sent from Windows Mail

  5. I have known you for several years and now I meet Ron.
    Happy Holidays.

  6. Merry Christmas, Linday and Ron. I love reading your blog; I am amazed at your patience, perseverance, sense of humour and insight. lots of love and laughter sent your way, rosemary (the one who found you and was directed to johnson bros…thank goodness!)

    Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 18:49:30 +0000 To:

  7. That was perfect! I love the trying to figure out what will happen later with our CMT is futile. I wish you and Ron a Merry Christmas! That pic ture of you two is fantastic. May 2015 hold something special for each and every one of us…Best Wishes, Janis Jeanneret

  8. Thank you for the good wishes and for everything you do for us all.

  9. Merry Christmas to you & Ron. Thank you for all the words of encouragement. A new pink power chair was just delivered to my home just when I really need it. I am thankful I can afford all the bells & whistles. It can recline and elevate these tired feet. But I really hate to give up my rollator, but I know I am blessed. I ordered pink to help cheer me. I have a Hot Pink transport chair and everyone comments on how cheerful it is. I needed some encouragement on Christmas eve to accept the changes in my life. Just had Christmas with my large family and know I am loved, but at Christmas I really miss my Mother who really made Christmas special. I’m having a Peggy Pity Party right now, but am going to watch “Christmas With The Kranks” on tv and forget about CMT. Thank you for this blog I feel better just to express my feeling. Onward we go.

  10. A beautiful photo of the two of you. Thanks for the great words to live by. Merry greetings to both of you.

  11. Thanks for the lovely sentiment and the lovely picture. You are an inspiration to all of us who are struggling with this inconvenient disease!

  12. Onward has been my motto for the past umpteen years. And you were one of the reasons I found to go there many years ago. Please continue. I’m right behind you. In His Love. J.

  13. Sage words Linda! Thank you!

  14. Linda, I have just finished reading some of your past blogs and truly they are inspiring. You are an amazing lady!

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    Tips from our special friend Linda Crabtree…

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